Blondes in the Jungle

Blondes in the Jungle

By Lev Kalman & Whitney Horn
2009, Color, 48min.

On a hunt for the Fountain of Youth, three teenagers in 1980's Honduras buy drugs, harm nature and have magical encounters. Tons of landscape footage, a meditation on Mayan Archaeology and a heavy TV teen vibe highlight this very funny impulse-buy spiritual adventure.

Blondes in the Jungle
  • Blondes-in-the-Jungle-ReMaster-2016

    2009, Color, 48min. (Color Restored 2016)

    On a hunt for the Fountain of Youth, three teenagers in 1980's Honduras buy drugs, harm nature and have magical encounters. Tons of landscape footage, a meditation on Mayan Archaeology and a heavy TV teen vibe highlight this very funny impulse-buy spir...